Sunday, September 20, 2009

Trinity International Church

Trinity International Church. This is the church Debie and I attend. This is an English speaking church. It is just down the road from the school so we walk there on Sundays. Debie also attends a bible study there on Tuesday evenings. They are doing a study of Esther by Beth Moore.
The pic on the right shows an overview of the whole church while the one on the left is the front entrance.

The next 2 pics show the back side which has classrooms and a kitchen.

This is the Pastor of Trinity, Pastor Andy Partington. He is from the UK. Pastor is doing a series on Transformative Encounters. He is very gifted and interesting to listen too. The only negative aspect is that the Pastor and his family are leaving at the end of the year. They are going back to the UK for other ministry opportunities.
This is the back of the church. There is a balony. This is sometime full on Sundays. This is where the sound system is also located. An individual in the church translates the message into spanish as the Pastor preaches.

This part of the praise band. All three individuals are high school students. The two guys go to SCCLC (Juniors). They are very talented. Missing is a teacher at the learning center that plays a trumpet and sometime we have a individual that plays the bongos. The music selections is much the same as in the states. They also include one hymn before the Pastor preaches to set the tone.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

School House

This is the path that we walk to school. We walk out our fenced in area to an open field.This is the first part of the open field that we encounter.

Then we encounter a fence and we walk along the brick wall which is part of the SCCLC. At the end we turn right and into the Learning Center. We have posted pics before of the entrance.
The one on the left is a pic of the Library on the bottom with the Computer Lab, where I teach Office 2007 to 9-12 grader, and Chapel on the second floor. The one to the right is a pic of some of the classrooms. Mine is on the second

These are pics of the Eagle's Nest. This is where lunch is served. I usually have chicken and french fries with salad everyday. It cost 10 B's which about $1.70.

This is a pic of the gym. I teach Girl's PE. I have 9-10th graders Monday and Thursday with 7-8th graders on Tuesday and Friday. Also this is where we practice Volleyball. The gym is partially open on the ends.

This is another pic of the gym and the pic to the right is the sign going into the PE office.

This is the classroom that I teach two different classes. I have Ancient World History with 9th graders and Consumer Math with 12th graders.

The is the soccer field. It currently being renovated. There has been a serious water problem for a couple of years that they are presently fixing.

Saturday, September 5, 2009


In case you didn't know I am coaching Boy's volleyball. I coach both the JV's which are 6-8th graders and Varsity (9-12 graders). Most athletes play both volleyball and soceer during this time of the year. We practice one night a week with games on Tuesday. The varsity practices on Monday and the JV's on Friday. When we have contest we play both volleyball and soceer on the same nights. On Tuesday is Boy's JV and Varsity volleyball and Girl's JV and Varsity Soccer. On Thursdays is Girl's JV and Varsity volleyball and Boy's JV and Varsity Soceer. Andrew Bloomfield coaches the girls volleyball and we both help each other out on game nights. So I am busy 4 nights a week with coaching. Here is a blog site that list the scores of the games with some pics if you want to see how we are doing at the Christian Learning Center (SCCLC).