Saturday, September 5, 2009


In case you didn't know I am coaching Boy's volleyball. I coach both the JV's which are 6-8th graders and Varsity (9-12 graders). Most athletes play both volleyball and soceer during this time of the year. We practice one night a week with games on Tuesday. The varsity practices on Monday and the JV's on Friday. When we have contest we play both volleyball and soceer on the same nights. On Tuesday is Boy's JV and Varsity volleyball and Girl's JV and Varsity Soccer. On Thursdays is Girl's JV and Varsity volleyball and Boy's JV and Varsity Soceer. Andrew Bloomfield coaches the girls volleyball and we both help each other out on game nights. So I am busy 4 nights a week with coaching. Here is a blog site that list the scores of the games with some pics if you want to see how we are doing at the Christian Learning Center (SCCLC).


  1. The Eagles eh... I saw you in one of the pictures on the blog site.

  2. Nice blog site to see how your teams are doing :) You have a winning season already!
